Capacity for brand new clients is currently forecasted for: January 2022.

An Intuitive Energy Mapping (IEM) session helps you visually spot the most prominent energetic activity currently active within you.


IEMs help clients visually understand the current nature of their energy systems. The map is an illustration that Jessie intuitively channels.


This session is broken down into two parts. First, we start with a 45-minute conversation where I "map out" your energy by capturing how I am perceiving it. It's a sketch of any energy leaks, blockages or evidence of over/under activity. I share the sketch with you and we talk through my findings.

Second, right after the sketch we move to a crystal healing to seal any leaks, clear out any blockages, and promote fluid energetic movement. You will remain on your own grid for 3-5 days so the energy will continue flowing to and through you.


Energy mapping would be helpful for any adult or child experiencing physical or emotional discomfort. This form of healing should not replace urgent medical care. It can be used in conjunction with traditional treatments.


Explore other healing modalities.