How to Heal: Release Anything That Doesn’t Belong with You

Cutting ties with people, roles, jobs, etc., can be scary and even lonely.

Often I hear (from myself or clients) lots of reasons (aka excuses) why we should give someone or something more time, more patience, more love, or another chance. We think: ‘They will come around; I can twist myself into a pretzel and make this work; I’ll live with the physical discomfort in my body b/c I know I'm compromising my values, but I don’t want to ‘fail’ in the eyes of others. I don’t know if I can do better somewhere else.”

If any of these feels familiar, it may be time to do some releasing. As the winter months come upon us in the northern hemisphere and we go into hibernation, who and what do you want there with you? If you are in the southern hemisphere—where I’m from—intense heat is coming soon. Who and what will be in your way if it’s not released now? Be honest.

May we preserve our dignity by declaring (mostly to ourselves): “I know my worth, and this ain’t it. I’m picking up my toys and going to play somewhere else.” And we can also preserve the dignity of others involved by communicating honestly, lovingly, and with care.

Want some strategies on HOW to release? Check out the entire series I did on How to Detach.



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