How to Heal: (re)Connecting to Your Body

I already wrote a blog on healing from overthinking, and while getting into your body is a great strategy to get out of your head, it’s also great for:

  • connecting to your intuition

  • building trust with yourself

  • understanding the emotions you carry (consciously or subconsciously)

  • tuning into any physical pain or opportunities to offer your body some relief

  • picking up on how the people and spaces you are in impact you

  • uncovering if any limiting beliefs/your inner critic has taken over

Low-lift ways to connect to your physical body:

  • (with the guidance of a healthcare professional for where it applies)Take a pause from substances that make you disconnect from your body, such as nicotine, caffeine, sugars, processed foods, drugs, alcohol, and people.

  • Do a body scan (PW: howtoheal)—start at the top of your head, go down your body and then come back up again. Pay close attention to any words, sensations, colors, sounds, or images that may come up for you. If you have trouble focusing, take a few deep breaths and re-position your body in a new space.

  • Stretch and focus on different body segments and follow a similar process to the body scan above.

  • If you are overwhelmed with any sensation, emotion, or state of being i.e., numbness, anger, sadness, depression, anxiety, tightness, etc., connect to it and notice what part of your body holds it. Engage that body part in conversation Yep. You read correctly. Have a conversation with that body part. Ask it questions and see what, if any, responses you get back.  

  • Massage therapy. It’s lovely to get a professional massage if that is accessible to you, but for the purpose of reconnecting to your own body, giving yourself a massage is way more beneficial.


It’s so helpful to reconnect to our bodies, but it also begs the question: how did I disconnect to begin with? We need to know how we disconnect, so we do it less often.



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