Heal with an Assist from my Instagram

Long story short: It’s time for a change. 


My IG (@healing_is_justice) used to be for healing with the tarot. It’s an excellent tool for reflection, personal development, and deep insight into a situation. And, it’s not the only tool.

It’s certainly not the only tool I use so, as of the week of Feb 21st, I’ll introduce some fun prompts and approaches I use with myself, my coaching/consulting clients, and some of my loved ones. 

Here is what you can expect. Each week I will:

1) invite you to share an intention for the week, so you position yourself in the driver’s seat of your life. Things can’t just happen to us. We need to ground in the power we have over our own experience.

2) share my best intuitive guidance to answer key questions for the week. This is what we will take on for the week on 2.23.22

 3) do a quick recap to reflect on what has transpired and what is still pending.

Here is the part I am extra excited about…

I will still go live on the full moons, but it will be to do free live coaching sessions now. You can tune in to watch someone else get coached and ask yourself the questions I am posing to them, or you can pick up some good coaching questions you can use with others. If you want to volunteer to be a client, not to role-play but to be coached in real life, hit me up via the ‘contact’ tab on the website

The newsletter will also have a fresh update, but it won’t be a massive change. The March 2nd Leader’s Oracle Newsletter will include the organization worksheet I posted in my stories on IG so we can plan, plan, plan and be detached from the outcome, but still do some ‘good enough’ planning.


More healing rituals, guidance, and resources come through our monthly newsletter, The Leader’s Oracle. Sign-up here.

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