January Venus Retrograde and Full Moon Experience

As promised, here is what went down last month. 

January 2022 was INTENSE. I typically don’t feel the official start of the new year until my birthday-ish in March, but it felt like January was trying to prove that it wasn’t worthy of being considered the beginning of a new year. Sheesh.

My intuition took me to Salem, Massachusetts, to make substantial progress on a big project. It was challenging and exciting but also frightening. A lot was at stake with this trip.

Most of my trip was me looking tired and confused. LOL

On the full moon, I went out for a walk by the water. It was cold, but it felt like I should go out and take a break. For some reason, I thought of a seahorse. It made sense, I guess. I was by water, after all. Was that a stretch, though? Most people see water and think fish or boat. Whatever. Seahorses are cute. I love them b/c it’s the male seahorse that gives birth to the babies. Did you know that?! Isn’t that magical? That’s when I noticed the sky.

“Cloudy skies right here but brighter skies on the way.” It felt symbolic. I wondered if I could walk to the brighter skies. Could I get there, or was it further away than it looked? Again, more symbolism. I decided to try. 

I walked to a path that seemed to follow the shore. Then I saw this:

Great. Classic full moon. All the crap and dirt came to the surface—super visible. I remembered it had rained the day before, so I should’ve guessed. 

I couldn’t walk away from the symbolism though. Challenge accepted. 

I walked, doing my best to avoid the puddles and piles of goo. Then, I saw some weird metal thing up ahead. Was that a statue? Some kind of ironwork? Was it art? What was that? 

Oh, I see. It’s a freaking seahorse!!!

What are the chances that in the middle of my symbolic ‘walk through crap,’ I would find the magical seahorse?

Notice the brighter skies.

The moral of the story is to walk through the crap with a sense of adventure instead of fear. Brighter skies are always up ahead. And always follow your intuition, always. 



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