How to Heal…Using Astrology??

Man, oh man! Last month was quite a doozie for me. Haha. Look at how PG I’m being. Let me be more precise: WTF?! Shit hit the fan! 

How was it for you? I really am so interested in how last month went for people and what insights were gathered. I’m convinced there was collective pain, love, beauty and learning. Did you have tough convos with close ones? Did you buy new clothes, shoes, make-up or gifts for yourself?

It was all kinds of intense for me. Joy, fear, tears, excitement, confusion—quite the adventure. At the beginning of 2022 I caught up on the latest astrology reports and realized “Ohhhh so this is about to be a thing.” 

A few days later, the energy got me!

A key lesson I have learned: Work with the energies, not against them. 

I’m not saying live your life according to astrology, tarot, or anything else. I’m a big proponent of exercising as much free will as possible. What I have realized, is that when I begin feeling resistance, it makes me wonder if there is some larger influence at play. I’m never surprised to see, some larger thing is usually going on in the cosmos. Understanding that helps me contextualize my tiny experience within the universe. I usually laugh, re-group, and come up with some approach that offers me more ease. 

Astrology was always on the sidelines of my life. I grew up with the elders in my family tuning into Walter Mercado, a renowned astrologer and mystic, on Spanish-language television. He passed a couple years ago. It was one of those big losses that hits an entire community all at once. I never questioned astrology or horoscopes. If any elder would shush an entire living room filled with family to not miss what Walter had to say about their sign, it clearly must’ve been important. Do you know how many times my cousins and I got a sapatilla/chancla, tossed our way, to shut us up? I’m sure y’all have heard the stories. Those things were boomerangs.

Anyways, years later as a first-year teacher in Houston, Texas, I had to make sure my students knew that the phases of the moon affected the tides of the oceans. WHAT?! What kind of sorcery was Texas teaching students? It turns out, this wasn’t sorcery. It is a scientific fact!! So, at 22, thanks to the science curriculum, I learned that a cosmic body in outer space is powerful enough to influence bodies of water. That same science curriculum confirmed that the human body was made up of a whole lot of water. So, one could then deduce that…

Right. That’s what I was thinking too. 

So, if that’s what the moon can do, what about all of the other astro bodies?!

Now at almost 40, I lovingly interpret my tarot cards, check out the astrology forecasts and do my best to plan with the moon phases. New moons (like today!) are great for initial planning, planting seeds, setting intentions, sketching out brainstorms and ideas. Full moons are great for taking action and getting shit done, getting to complete with loose ends, and fully seeing what was hidden. I work with the energies, because sometimes, it’s best to steer into the skid. 

In the next post, I will share what these Venus retrograde energies from January had me doing. Good news: by the time you read this, Venus will no longer be in retrograde. It will need a few more weeks for full forward momentum, but I think the worst is over—now, it’s “just” clean-up/healing time. And to clarify, we do need retrogrades. I’ll be the first to say, they don’t always feel great; but I rather work with the truth, no matter how inconvenient or difficult it might be.

Good luck friends! Sending everyone all the healing vibes!


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