How to Detach Pt. 6 Skill #5

Yessss! We have come to the last step of our detachment practice. Clearly its optional but I highly recommend it because it energetically ‘seals the deal’ for us. This ‘deal’ is like a commitment or promise we make to ourselves. Promises are sacred.


Quick recap of the full process:

1-    Figure out where your ego is relation to what you want to release.

2-    Determine your current perspective on the matter.

3-    Name your core values at play and perhaps those that could be at play, but aren’t.

4-    Use those values to declare your truth. What do you stand for?

5-    (optional but highly recommended) Create a detachment ritual where you formally establish that the release has occurred. 


You can create a new ritual, but you likely already have some. If you pray, do breathwork, meditate, journal, light candles, align with the phases of the moon, you have been working with rituals. Use these to declare your (re)clarified truth and new path or check out the ones below and see if they inspire any other ideas. 


  • Use sage or incense to clear yourself and your space while declaring what you are releasing and what you are allowing in.

  • Bathe in the ocean (or even in a tub/shower) with the intention of cleansing and releasing what no longer serves you while activating your new way of being.

  • Write out what you are releasing and burn it (using proper safety precautions) with the intention that the burn will release them from you. You can pair this with writing a letter to yourself or capturing your new truth and keeping it somewhere sacred like a hope chest/box, an altar, or night stand. 

  • Simply speak—to yourself, to your ancestors, to a person you trust and declare what you are locking into place. 

May we find peace, joy, and magic in our ongoing healing journeys. 

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