Top 5 Things You Need to Know About This Blog

  1. The blog’s purpose is already in the title: I cover how to heal with and from different parts of life. I’m a certified coach, consultant, and healer, so I write from those perspectives. I’m not a medical doctor or therapist, so I stay in my lane. None of what I share should ever be taken as medical advice.

  2. It’s meant to be a “micro” blog—simple and straight to the point. 

  3. I will write pretty much how I speak; without feeling confined by “proper” grammar and language conventions.

  4. Sometimes I will write in a series b/c it would be too much for just one post.

  5. 90-95% of the content will be true how-to-heal-from-something content, but every now and then, I will sprinkle something from my personal experience where appropriate. I’m a human just like you. I also experience the highs and lows of life, and sometimes shit is just too funny or ironic not to share. 

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