When Astrology Won’t Help You

I LOVE tarot, astrology, oracle cards, and a ton of other divination and healing tools. The insight and guidance these tools offer me have helped me heal, make values-aligned decisions, and deepen my self-awareness.

But sometimes they don’t work for us.

Whether or not they work depends on whether or not we can receive the guidance. If we lack grounding, the messages will likely go right over our heads. Even if we understand the substance, we will likely struggle to translate the guidance into something actionable.

If you have a recent history of turning your power over to the external world, this ungrounds you immediately. This means you look to external sources for validation or confirmation that you are worthy or lovable. It means you care more about what others think than what you think about your own life. It means you are taking cues from other people to make decisions. This means you abandon your values, needs, beliefs, wants, and desires to satisfy others. All of this floats you up into space, and you are left with nothing stably anchoring your energy.

no grounding = no translation to actionable steps

These healing systems are largely symbolic, and you need the ability to translate them to concrete actions in the earthly realm.

If you are in this kind of space, using divination tools for guidance will be very risky. And you might be thinking: “Isn’t this when I need it the most?” IMO, no. You need to address the root of the problem, which is the lack of grounding.

 In tarot, for example, the cards pick up your energy. If your energy is all loosey-goosey, what kind of quality intel do you think you will get back?

 Find the grounding techniques that work for you, and then go to your tools to maximize their potential. Help them help you.


Some grounding practices:

  • Breathwork

  • Time in nature (barefoot is best)

  • Time under a tree or sitting on grass

  • Beach time

  • Hydration (add in electrolytes if necessary)

  • Removal of toxins (sugar, drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, vapes, processed foods, as well as environmental toxins from beauty products, cleaning products, and laundry detergent—capitalism really is everywhere, and it will kill us if we let it)

  • Increase clean and sustainable meat and plant-based foods as your body tolerates them, and your budget allows

  • Meditation

  • Physical movement, different from exercise

  • Exercise: weights, yoga, or anything that pushes you to slow down

  • Meditation (not my fave, but I know it works for a lot of people)

  • Expression and release of emotions (don’t hold it in, it will get stuck in your cells)

  • Any self-care practices like setting and maintaining your boundaries, protecting your peace, spending time with loved ones, especially our elders and kids

  • Bodywork like massages, acupuncture, reflexology, cupping, reiki etc.

  • Stretching

  • More quality sleep so our body has time to repair itself

  • Eating only while its light out

  • Receiving sunlight/daylight soon upon awakening to regulate our circadian rhythm

  • Chewing food sufficiently and mindfully


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