How to Heal: Re-building My Health & Wellness Pt. 1

Anyone who has seen me in person in the past several months knows that health & wellness has been a top priority for me. Stress, inflammation, hidden sugars, and unchecked capitalism allowing poison in our food supply have all been topics of conversation.

I had a ton of questions about why my health was deteriorating when I was eating so clean. 

I decided to capture some high-level notes and reflections, mostly for myself –I wanted something documented with a hint of accountability, so I’ll keep adding to this Re-Building MY Health & Wellness series as I progress through this journey. Please note that I am not a medical doctor, and even though by the time you read this first post, I will have officially graduated as an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach (yay!), this is in no way medical advice for anyone.

Jessie, what the hell happened to you?

I think the stress of the pandemic got to me and compounded the decades of stress that had already been stored in my body. I kept it together during 2020, but by the time 2021 came around, it was a wrap.

  • Sleep. Couldn’t fall asleep, so would sleep late and wake up late; my schedule was off; I couldn’t sleep straight through the night.

  • Fatigue. Lots of it.

  • Brain fog. Forgetting people’s names became a common occurrence, as well as not being able to find the words while speaking—it was like the names and words just fell out of my head and no longer existed.

  • Heart. My resting heart rate was in the triple digits, like 107-111 bpm, when typically it was between 67-76. I was tracking this with my Apple watch, and it was the same exact watch all throughout. I even calibrated it when they did the stress testing at the cardiologist’s office. They said, “You are too young to have heart problems; it’s just anxiety.” Speaking of….

  • Anxiety. Experienced a huge stressor (in addition to the pandemic) in 2022 that had me waking up with a fire burning in my chest after horrible sleep; I had a handful of panic attacks.

  • Vitamins and Minerals. I was super low in iron/ferritin and had a vitamin D deficiency, which I had to beg my doctor to add to the blood panel b/c I knew I was low. I just wanted to know how bad it was. She said, “You’re not in menopause yet, so your vitamin D is fine.” After arguing with her for a few mins, she finally caved and added it. Spoiler alert: I was right, and my Vitamin D was like a 10 when I would’ve needed it to be at least around 60-80. What a dummy. I was pissed.

  • Digestion. Got SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth). Basically, I had bacteria growing in my small intestine that should not be there. It was creating bloating and discomfort after eating anything.

  • Supplements. I started a natural SIBO protocol prescribed by a functional medicine doctor since I could no longer trust my primary care physician. That mostly worked, but not entirely. I killed most of the serotonin receptors in my gut (which directly impacted my mood) and was still left with enough bacteria in the wrong place that, I guess, would eventually grow back. I started iron supplements, didn’t work. And yes, I also had plenty of real vitamin C (not from ascorbic acid) to increase iron absorption, but it didn’t matter. My body wouldn’t absorb it. I tried iron patches, still didn’t work. I was taking adaptogens b/c that’s supposed to calm your nervous system, also didn’t work. The magnesium glycinate the doctor suggested seemed to be helpful as it related to rest and sleep specifically.

  • Blood work. Fasting glucose was increasing over time. I went from the 80’s to about 105. Fasting insulin was also increasing. (I know all my numbers b/c I was getting consistent labs done with the help of that functional medicine doctor, and I wore a continuous glucose monitor for about 3 months); indicators of thyroid problems were beginning to tick in the wrong direction, and I was growing concerned about my Hemoglobin A1C and C-Reactive Protein. Basically, I was becoming insulin resistant and at increasing risk of heart attack and disease. WTF?!

  • Mood. No grounding, no stability, sad one moment, fine the next. Dancing with depression on and off.

  • Weight. Gained a whole lot in a short amount of time. I know a lot of it was water retention because my face looked so puffy, and I knew that was a sign of inflammation.

  • Cycle. Super heavy and painful. Toward the middle/end of the summer of 2023, my cycle was late and unpredictable.


Food. I was eating mostly grass-fed/grass-finished beef, wild-caught fish, and very limited sugar, which was mostly in the form of desserts and treats every once in a while. I got lazy with the veggies, so I ramped it up in Jan 2023 and went back to eating a lot of dark, leafy green veggies. I typically bought organic and always checked ingredient lists to guard against inflammatory oils and nasty ingredients that shouldn’t be in our food. I got the cleanest food I could possibly get with my budget.

Exercise/movement or the lack thereof. Cardio, specifically Zumba, was always my workout of choice. I hated to exercise, but Zumba was a way I could trick myself into working out b/c it just felt like dancing to me. I tried to keep up with it, but my heart rate would shoot up close to 180, making me scared, and I would start to panic at the possibility of creating a panic attack. Yes, you read that correctly. I would panic at the possibility of panic. I was never interested in weights—seemed so boring to move in the same way over and over. I knew I couldn’t keep up with that, so I was left with doing light walks, weather permitting, of course.

Surely, to be this unhealthy, I must've been putting other toxins in my body, right?

Not to my knowledge, at least. No drugs, no smoking, no alcohol. Caffeine was clean, and while taking the adaptogens, I stopped drinking coffee altogether.

I felt like the body and mind I was using were not mine.

So, how come all of my usual healing modalities weren't working?

I was confused, scared, and disheartened, and because so many medical professionals could not help me, I honestly felt alone.

Here’s what happened.

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