How to Heal: Re-building My Health & Wellness Pt. 2

This post only makes sense if you read Part 1.

In my life, I have a pattern of becoming the thing I am missing. I had a shitty teacher in 1st grade, so I became a teacher to do it better. I moved back home to NYC from Houston, and the Zumba instructors in my immediate neighborhood were horrible. I became a certified Zumba instructor. So, guess what happened with all these health issues?

No one could give me answers for all these health issues, so I started a program to become my own health coach and started studying medical astrology to get additional insights.

The energy work I was doing on myself helped calm me and would relieve some of the worst symptoms, but I knew there was something bigger at play, and I like solving problems from the root, not the surface-level symptoms.

The astrology helped me see:

  1. My fire-sign 6th house NEEDS my body to move on a regular basis, so the lack of movement probably had even more of a negative impact on me than the average person.

  2. The placement of my Mars and Sun causes my body to overheat, become inflamed, and can aggravate my adrenal glands. ADRENAL GLANDS? Aren’t those the glands that make stress hormones?! Yep! I had to pull back on the spicy food, anything acidic and caffeine, and started eating more cooling foods to keep the heat at bay.  Okay, so this helped, but I was still sick. Heat is usually associated with anger, so guess what I had to work on discharging.

  3. That same Mars placement makes my body like muscle and the process of building it. As it turns out, building muscle helps me discharge anger! Who would’ve thunk it—haha.

  4. The moon is playing a large role in my life. I had to use its cyclical phases to re-organize my life. Instead of forcing myself to “be disciplined” and do the same thing every single day, I had to get disciplined with my body’s changing needs—needs that change and flow throughout the course of a month in accordance with my hormones.

Simultaneously, I am going through this health coaching program. It validates my beliefs about health being bio-individual and the impact of all aspects of life on health and wellness. Now, I have a new language to explain what I am experiencing. I am taking these questions and concerns to the functional medicine doctor and doing my own research b/c I’m not trusting anyone with my health.

Here's when everything came together. But first, they came completely apart.

Toward the end of the 2nd week of August of 2023, I got my lab results back, and I just cried. The results were not good. No matter what I was trying, it wasn’t working. 

So I said, “screw this, I’m making my own plan.” I knew something I was eating that was considered “healthy” was not healthy for me, and I needed to figure out what it was.

I decided to do an elimination diet to finally figure out what these mystery foods were that were causing me so much inflammation and stress. I started carnivore. Before the pandemic, I fasted intermittently, usually 16:8, but I changed it up, and every now and then, I would throw in a longer fast to keep cognitively sharp, my cells cleansed, and my energy high. I realized I had stopped doing that before all these health issues started. It was time to bring it back. I know my body can heal itself if I let it, and I realized I wasn't letting it.

I responsibly transitioned into a 32-hour fast and took a couple of weeks to switch to a carnivore diet. Carnivore helped me figure out those mystery foods that were bad for me and gave me the mental clarity to apply the astrology insights into a more comprehensive plan.

Here is what has been working for me, at least so far.



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