How to Heal: Re-building My Health & Wellness Pt. 3

Here are Part 1 and Part 2 of my latest healing process.


Y’all. It has only been a little over a month since I started the elimination diet and reintroduced fasting for health and longevity. Here is what has changed:

  • Sleep. Within the first 2-3 days of starting the elimination diet (carnivore) I was sleeping through the night. Whoa.

  • Fatigue. No longer experiencing any; it faded within the first week of carnivore.

  • Anxiety. Pretty much all dissipated. In the past two months, I woke up with that burning feeling on top of my chest once, and it was super light.

  • Brain fog. I still forget names; likely still need to decrease brain inflammation.

  • Heart. My resting heart rate has dropped to 80s-90s. More work to be done on this front, but good improvement.

  • *Digestion. So good. Little to no bloat after eating and no discomfort. I expect more progress here as well.

  • Vitamins and Minerals. Won’t know these levels until next round of labs.

  • Supplements. I’m only taking Vitamin D and some magnesium every now and then. Oh yeah, and I started taking liver pills b/c I need organ meats, but I’m not about to eat liver and heart, so a supplement was the way to go for me.  

  • Blood work. I won’t know until the next round of labs. But feeling pretty good so far.

  • Mood. Pretty stable. I’m no longer teetering on that fine line of crossing over into depression. Serotonin and dopamine receptors have returned as my gut microbiome has been healing, so I have even started experiencing joy again!

  • Weight. Lost a bunch. I never wanted to weigh myself, especially since muscle weighs more than fat, and I’m actively working on building muscle. I’m down a dress size, puffiness has substantially decreased, and body composition is starting to shift.

  • Cycle. Regular and not painful. Is this what it feels like normally? WOW.

*Digestion. Remember when I was trying to find out what “healthy” foods were not helpful? The elimination diet helped me find a few:

  • Raw greens, essentially salads, are a no-go for me. This sucks b/c I love salads, so I hope that once my microbiome fully heals, I can re-introduce greens.

  • Onions are also a no-go.

  • Lemons, at least at night via a homemade lemonade, keep me up all night! WTF? I was drinking lemonade almost every single day before. Sheesh. I will try limes to see if the same thing happens.

Food & Exercise/Movement. I adjusted what I eat, how I move, and how I work according to my monthly cycle. First 10 days, I go lower carb, ramp up the fasting, I’m consistent with strength training, and take on work that requires higher cognitive, emotional, and physical loads. Next five days, I have a few more healthy carbs, don’t go as hard at the gym and do moderate work. Five days after that, I ramp it up again (similar to the 1st ten days). Last 10 days, I gradually transition to some carbs that I consider more like treats. If I want a little ice cream (with clean ingredients) or some pie (my fave!), it happens during these days. I also go lighter on the workouts and work responsibilities as is in my control.  

I won’t know for sure until I do my next round of labs, but if how I am feeling is any indication, I am fully expecting to see improvement with those numbers.

This program is helping me feel good without feeling deprived or restricted, which is important to me as I explore options that are sustainable for the long term. The first couple of weeks where I was stricter with carnivore were not fun, but the intel I got was worth it.


More updates coming soon.