How to Heal: Navigating the Energy of this 2023 Scorpio New Moon

This new moon is sticking out to me b/c it’s giving solar eclipse energy even though this is technically a regular schmegular new moon, and yet, here I am writing a blog post about it.

Relevant context:

  1. New moons happen when the sun and moon come together. You see them in the bottom left of the picture.

  2. You see what else is there? Yep, that is Mars, mythologically known as the God of War. Mars indeed rules war, violence, weapons, and fighting. Mars cuts, splits, and burns. It also rules our drive, ambition, and passion. It can energize us and propel us toward action. Your actions will depend on where this new moon occurs in your birth chart.

  3. Mars is at home in Scorpio, so he has the resources to do whatever he wants, for better or worse. This also depends on the strength of your Mars in your birth chart. You can check out free software on the internet to get your birth chart. If you came to this blog post from the November 2023 edition of the Leader’s Oracle, you can sign up for a free New Moon Astro Insights session here.   

  4. This new moon feels eclipse-y to me because it opposes Uranus, which rules rebellion, independence, freedom, and sudden change. Uranus energy is usually shocking and unexpected, hence the eclipse vibe. Electricity and technology fall under Uranus’ realm as well.

  5. Uranus is in Taurus, the sign that rules our security and sense of safety. It also rules what nourishes us: food, nutrients, and basic needs like shelter, money, and the resources we need for daily living. Taurus energy grounds us.

We can expect sudden and shocking changes that disorient us and make us lose our grounding and sense of safety and comfort. We may need to take quick and swift action. Some of us may feel super energized, while others will feel drained. This, my friends, will force a transformation out of us. Not everyone will feel it as harshly, however. Again, this all depends on where these planets are in your chart, but you can expect that the news out in the world over the next six months will reflect the manifestation of this energy.

On the very positive side of things, this energy can help us increase our capacity for change, sovereignty, independence, and creativity because Uranus will activate our innovation and originality. It can make us more open to using technology, hopefully for good. New inventions might come about as a result of this energy, too. Our tolerance for what we consider “boring” will likely be very low. We want new and fun!

Advocating and even fighting for those who cannot defend themselves can manifest. Pushing back against authority or people in power can also unfold. Let’s use this energy in strategic ways.

Quick recommendations:

  • The energy of this new moon will push us toward self-discovery through discomfort. Proactively consider how you process change and set intentions for who you want to be if or when the going gets tough.

  • Create a reminder of that intention b/c if emotions take over, it will be difficult to remember some complex intention, but easier to recall a quick word, phrase, or image.

  • Even if you are high energy, pause for the cause and critically consider the full scope of the situation before making decisions and taking actions you won’t be able to take back.

  • Decide now how you want to handle anger or other big emotions if they overcome you. Once they take over, getting back to a neutral state takes more work.

  • Remember that all energy is temporary. Nothing will last forever, but change is inevitable.

  • Remember that as you go through your own transformation, others are also. Be kind and gracious.  




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