How to Heal: Re-building MY Health & Wellness Pt. 4 (update w/test results)

In my last update, I laid out all the random health issues that were popping up seemingly out of nowhere, so I figured I would share the updates with the same categories. It is incredible to me what unchecked capitalism is doing to our food supply and how even the things that are “healthy,” start to behave like poisons b/c of how dysregulated our bodies have become.

  • Sleep. Still sleeping through the night after those first two days of the elimination diet. Now, I’m just working on getting to bed earlier. Sleep is so sacred. The healing that happens while you sleep is amazing. The body knows what to do.  

  • Fatigue. Pretty much none.

  • Anxiety. Mostly, all dissipated, though world events have made it re-surface a bit. Nothing in comparison to before, though, and definitely no more panic attacks.  

  • Brain fog. I still forget names; I likely still need to decrease brain inflammation. I can feel progress here, but more progress is still needed.

  • Heart. My resting heart rate has dropped to 80s-90s. More work to be done on this front, but good improvement. Mostly in the same range as the last update.

  • Digestion. So good. Little to no bloat after eating and no discomfort. I expect more progress here as well. I have not been able to re-introduce the things my body rejected during my elimination diet, so I am hoping to try them again in the Spring to give my body more time to recover.

  • Vitamins and Minerals. Labs show these are good, except my iron has still not increased. In fact, it has decreased, which is weird given all the protein and meat I am eating. I would like my vitamin D to be higher, especially as we go into the winter months, so I am upping my vitamin D supplementation. It’s at about 50ng/mL, but I know my body does better when it’s closer to 100.

  • Mood. Pretty good except for this last month. World events have really taken a toll on me, so I’m trying to stay informed without getting too obsessive about the pain.

  • Cycle. Looks like we are back on track! So far, so good.

  • Blood work. The headline is: the numbers that concerned me the most are all down! Still keeping my eye on my iron and getting C-reactive protein down even more.

Eating and moving according to my monthly cycle has been game-changing, and now, with my labs, I have the numbers to back it up. I’m proud of my progress and committed to making more!

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