How to Heal: Self-Coaching Pt. 1

Disclaimer: Self-coaching can’t replace working with a real coach, counselor, therapist, etc., but sometimes, we don’t have access to the professionals right when we need them. Whether or not we have the privilege to access these professionals, our goal should be to consistently commit to our ongoing growth and evolution, which only comes from self-knowledge and awareness. It builds trust, confidence, and positive self-esteem.


Here is where a little self-coaching can go a long way.


This series will explore a few self-coaching processes that can help us better understand and heal ourselves.

Let’s start with some basics.

Any dissonance we feel is usually because we did not get/achieve/receive/feel something we wanted.

Here is one coaching flow:

1. What is the person/place/thing/feeling I wanted?

2. Why? What does that thing/experience represent? What makes it so important?

3. Do I still want it?

4. How do I expect to feel if I get it?

5. How far away am I from this feeling now?

6. Do I still want it?

7. What is one thing I can do right now (in the next few days, in the next week) that can help me bring that feeling about, even without getting that thing?

8. So, now what? 

Keep it simple. Do not overcomplicate it.

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