How to Heal: Self-Coaching Pt. 2

Hopefully, you checked out the 1st part of our Self-Coaching Series.

  When we don’t know what to do, it is helpful first to clarify our feelings.

Those feelings have data and wisdom that can usually inform our next steps. And remember, sometimes, our next step is to do nothing. Our next step might be to rest and trust the universe. Be open to your next steps not coming through as a 10-point plan.  

Here is our second self-coaching flow.

1. How do I feel right now? Be as specific as possible. If you have trouble coming up with concrete feeling words, Google: “feelings wheel,” and you will see several images that can help you with language options.

2. How does that feeling manifest in your body? Is it heavy and tense? Light and airy?

3. Where is your body currently holding it?

4. Connect with it. What message does it have for you?

5. So, now what?


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