How to Heal: Do I Have Suppressed Emotions?

To heal suppressed emotions, you might first wonder how you know if you have suppressed emotions. If you are asking yourself this question, chances are, the answer is yes.

Here are some common indicators I have found in my healing work:

  • Physical discomfort or dis-ease; perhaps it starts as acute and then left unresolved for too long, it likely turns chronic i.e. the bad headache that comes around every now and then turns into consistent migraines

  • The same experience transpiring over and over in the same or different sectors of life i.e. feeling like you keep dating the same type of person over and over or feeling let down in a romantic relationship and now beginning to feel disappointed with relationships at work too

  • Overthinking—this one speaks for itself, and I’ve written a couple of posts about how to heal from this

  • Allowing fear to take over and playing small or not taking calculated risks

  • Chronic procrastination

  • Distractions; looking to external substances to ‘get your mind off’ of things on a regular basis; risky self-medication

  • Avoiding therapy like the plague

  • Asking yourself or saying things like:

a.     “Why does this always happen to me?”

b.     “With my luck, I’ll probably (then something negative)…”

c.     Comparing yourself to others

d.     Putting yourself down

e.     Catastrophic thinking


If you haven’t already, check out How to Heal from Suppressed Emotions for a helpful healing process.


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