How to Heal from Suppressed Emotions

In my opening of the Sept. 25th 2022 New Moon edition of the Leader’s Oracle Newsletter, I addressed a huge healing lesson to release suppressed emotions.

We need to feel the emotions allllll the way through. Avoiding them perpetuates the very thing we fear—persistent pain.

Here’s a summary of a possible process:

What’s your process like?

And here are some strategies that have shown promising results:

1. Express. Kick, scream, cry it out. Closets tend to be good sound-proof spaces, so we don’t scare or worry those around us—not saying you can’t bring others into your *process, but without having any clarity for yourself first, having a significant other, or even worse, a child, witness the initial processing, may not be helpful. Expressing works for “positive” emotions too! Express your joy with smiles, hugs, and laughter. This doesn’t mean you should go post all your business on social media, this means hold and celebrate the wonderful feelings of yourself for yourself.

2. Capture. Draw, write, paint, sing, dance the emotions. This can overlap with the expression as well. In my very first post, I explained how healing is not linear. I only number things in these posts for the sake of organization. Our healing processes are simply not that neat and tidy. Capturing is helpful b/c now you have something outside of you that can hold the emotions. That will give you enough distance to get you into processing and meaning-making mode.

3. Release and Gratitude. I love when I get to this stage! Follow your intuition and create some kind of ritual to symbolize letting those emotions go or express gratitude for the emotions you want to continue experiencing. The elements of fire, earth, air, and water are my guides for creating rituals. i.e. speaking the emotions into a lit candle with the intention of releasing them once the light is blown out or with the intention of sealing in gratitude is one of my go-tos. And if you are interested, I wrote a post about releasing with coloring!Closets tend to be good sound-proof spaces, so we don’t scare or worry those around us—not saying you can’t bring others into your *process, but without having any clarity for yourself first, having a significant other, or even worse, a child, witness the initial processing, may not be helpful. This goes for “positive” emotions too! Express your joy with smiles, hugs, and laughter. This doesn’t mean you should go post all your business on social media, this means hold and celebrate the wonderful feelings of yourself for yourself.

*We may not be able to take this on all by ourselves and thats okay. Seek out help with qualified professionals.

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