How to Heal: Using Venus Retrograde

Any retrograde is an excellent opportunity to review, reflect, and reevaluate.

With a Venus in retrograde, you have likely experienced (or witnessed others experiencing) the beginning/ending/restructuring of relationships with partners, friends, family, and co-workers; (re)developments in your values, self-esteem, ideas of worthiness; review of money, budgets, and financial priorities; changes in how you nourish your body through food/drink; or how you look via your aesthetic, wardrobe, hair, makeup, surgery, etc.

I have experienced almost all of the above! Please send help. Just kidding. It’s all necessary parts of growth, but boy, is this a potent dose of “growth opportunities!”

If people from the past show up, use sound judgment to determine if that’s a dynamic worthy of starting back up. Perhaps an old work colleague could offer you some guidance, or you can offer that to them. This would be an example of something old recycling in a new manifestation.

If the ghost of your ex comes back, remind yourself why the breakup happened in the first place. My advice with exes is that unless you have proof positive that the entities involved have evolved into something healthy, we should not expect to experience anything other than what already transpired. Why get back on that hamster wheel? But, you do you!

You can glean more specifics on how this retrograde affects you by checking out the houses it rules in your birth chart. Venus is retrograding through Leo and rules Taurus and Libra, so wherever that falls in your chart will be the impacted areas of life. A quick Google search will lead you to the house meanings, and there are free birth chart calculators that can help you locate your birth chart. I might still have some openings to do birth chart readings here.

Fun fact: I just realized that the last time I wrote an astro blog post was right after a Venus retrograde in 2022. LOL. I have a Taurus 11th house that includes groups & networks, so I guess it tracks.

Important Venus Dates:

Retrograde: July 22, 2023, at 28 degrees of Leo

Direct: September 3, 2023, at 12 degrees of Leo


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