What is Healing?


I have discovered different definitions of healing. Each with its unique purpose. When I facilitate learning experiences for groups, I usually share:


The first one usually makes logical sense to people. They react with “yep, easier said than done, but I’m with you.” With the 2nd one, most people are floored. I think it’s because it gently forces us to ask ourselves: “how much of me is conditioning and how much of me is of my own intentional design?” The process of confronting those answers is a scary one. As a certified coach, I spend session after session helping clients decipher this for themselves. It’s a beautiful, messy process and if we are to create healing spaces with and for others, we must do this beautiful, messy work with ourselves too. 

The energy healing branch of the work I do requires a different definition. That’s usually when I use this one:

a release of energetic blockages, filling of energetic leaks and restoring the natural flow of your energy

By the time we experience physical pain or discomfort, it’s because our energy has been off for a while. I won’t get into the science of it all but our cells, our brains, our hearts, our bodies, run on literal energy. Speak to any cardiologist and they will explain how hearts run on electricity. 

Irrespective of the conditions, to me, healing is ultimately a process of reclaiming our own power. Exploring healing requires an exploration of power.

Check out this post all about power. For now, reflect on what healing means to you. When do you need healing? When do you feel most healed?


To learn more about Jessie and her services, check out the Healing is Justice® website.