How to Heal from Overthinking….again.

I’ve already addressed how to handle overthinking here. Someone messaged me saying: “what happens when you start overthinking your overthinking.”

Fair question. I would say we need more of a scaffold then.

We can’t solve a problem with the same energy that the problem was created, so the trick is to distract yourself. Do anything and everything that has nothing to do with the issues at hand.

I have advised clients that are too in their heads to use their hands more. Literally or symbolically, the act of creating helps our energy flow from our minds to find better equilibrium. That energy is center is overactive so we need to soothe it to slow it down.

This could look like: coloring, knitting, pottery, painting, gardening, constructing, building (even if it's with legos or sand), cooking, cleaning, laundry, decorating, sewing, board games, sorting, scrapbooking, swimming, contact sports, doing hair/nails/makeup, drawing, writing, driving, packing/unpacking, sorting/decluttering, giving yourself a massage/facial etc.

Digital versions of some of the above could work but I would recommend doing the IRL versions for a more immediate and positive impact.  

Mix and match for a few days and see how you feel.



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